Product description
We offer straw pellets for heating! Special technology has that the melting temperature is much higher than the usual straw pellets. Our pellets melting temperature is elevated from 800 0C to 1200 0C, an ash content of 4-7%. As a result is improved pellet combustion process and significantly decreased quantity of the formation slag .buy din straw online
So, what about bedding in details ?
Straw pellets, natural, super absorbent bedding made specially for horses and other farm animals. It is free of dust and really long lasting product comparing with shavings and other bedding used by farmers and horse enthusiasts.For producing straw pellets we are using locally sourced straw, which is ecologically clean product. 1 gram of our straw pellets can absorb 3.4 gram of water (see official test results), so bedding stays dry longer and that is why our straw pellets not exposed to freezing in cold winters. This protects animals from diseases and provide with maximum comfort. During pelleting process the temperature exceeds 120C, it destructing any fungal spores, toxins and existing bacteria.The straw pellets are also an ideal small pet bedding, ideal for rabbits, reptiles and guinea pigs. We are glad that PPHUH KORPAL ENTERPRISE can offer its production to both wholesalers and retailers.
Pellets for animal bedding
The core activities of PPHUH KORPAL may boil down to heating applications, but we can serve livestock and farming facilities. Our bedding pellets are created to provide optimal comfort for your animals while being easy to handle as they:
- Are known for exceptional absorbance without watering
- Are natural and safe for small and large animals, including reptiles and horses
- Ensure a dust-free environment for livestock
- Prevent freezing and leave no room for bacteria growth and toxin spreading
Thus, our bedding products minimize the risk of respiratory and other issues caused by dust and harmful particles, whether you buy wood pellets in bulk or straw/hay options for animal bedding. They are great for farms, pet supply companies, and zoos.
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